"The Gift Of Almighty Allah | Trees"
The Gift Of Almighty Allah | Trees”
Written By Bisma Sajjad
Trees are a symbol of the survival of our planet earth and its environment. Trees are the Blessing of Almighty Allah . They are extremely important and have always been necessary for improving the human condition by making the environment pleasant or at least tolerable.
Mountains, plains are the cause of charm and beauty but their beauty is meaningless without trees.Global changes are moderated by the bitterness of human beings and seasonal hardships which results into the destruction of forests .The terrible pace of development, Rapid growth , air pollution, green house effect and global warming, which has filled the life of living creatures has left the vulnerable to many threats.
This illusion has tainted our earth in every respect. Development and pollution are essential, so it is not possible to deny development, but the biggest solution to the world’s biggest problem is the presence of trees. Because trees are the shields from all kinds of pollution.
“Trees are the lungs of our planet Earth”
A single tree provides oxygen to many humans. Ten large trees produce equal cooling of an air conditioner. Provide a clean environment by reducing the air pollution. Tree absorb Hazardous gases that may cause death in extreme cases.
Trees also reduce the monster and torture of noise pollution. Intensity of storms remain under control because of trees . The trees on the banks of the ponds and the trees reduce the effects of dirty water and their leaves provide clean air to the environment. In the summer, they tolerate the sun, while providing the blessing of the shade.
Some trees are used as fodder they make the land worth cultivating. Fuel, shade, wood, fruit and everything comes from trees.
Modern human community has other more practical reason to admire and owner trees our existing forest and trees we plant work in multi ways to make a better world. The following is the list of some benefits of trees.
•Trees produce oxygen
• Trees clean the soil
•Trees control noise pollution.
•Trees slow storm water runoff.
•Trees are carbon sink.
•Trees clean the air.
•Trees shade and cool.•
Trees are source of food and habitat.
•Trees increase property values.
Twenty-five percent of a country’s area must be forested. Unfortunately, this rate is only four percent and even this small forested area is deforested by locals and timber mafia
Instead of planting new trees, people are behind the first ones. Many valuable trees are being planted during the construction of roads and buildings. Government is also taking steps to ensure the plantation of trees, government for the first time in the history has started a largest project of plantation “Billion trees tsunami project” This project will only be succeeded when every Pakistani intends to make his/her home, street, neighbourhood, institution and fields the green belts then it will become a paradise. Countless environmental and economic problems will be defended.
Let’s now honour the trees Let us all pledge to plant a tree and reverse the damage that we have done.
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